Dr. Gert Holtzhauzen
Chief Executive Officer
Dr. Gert Holtzhauzen has a Doctorate in Turnaround Strategy from the University of Pretoria and is an accredited Senior Business Rescue Practitioner in terms of the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission in South Africa.
He is a seasoned Executive and has represented many Companies on an Executive level. His skill-set and experience have been derived mainly in a Commercial and Corporate Banking environment, whilst his additional formal qualifications include those in the taxation, insolvency and accounting disciplines. Gert's qualifications are perfectly aligned with the International Certification Program (University of Chicago, USA) for Certified Turnaround Professionals.
He is the founder and Chief Executive Officer of Strategic Turnaround Solutions (Pty) Ltd a Company which focuses purely on the discipline of "Business Rescue," both in a formal and informal environment.
Gert is an active member of various professional and management bodies and associations close to the industry so as to promote proactive change and regulation in the industry.
Ph.D. (UP), MBL (Unisa), BComm (Unisa), Post Grad Cert Adv Taxation (Unisa), Dip Insol Law & Pract (UP).
Academic Colours from the University of Pretoria (Ph.D) Golden Key Award Membership
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